Page 14 - Holyland Magazine - 2018 Edition
P. 14

Davidson Center

Sennacherib, King of Assyria - a drama that is    the army retreated after many of its soldiers      map. Next to the mosaic, they screen a film
2,700 years old. It is amazing to see that right  died of disease. Jerusalem was saved and the       that describes the history of the map and the
next to modern structures is this giant wall,     mighty king of Assyria, who destroyed peoples      art of mosaics in the past and present.
which is almost 16.5 feet wide and 26 feet high,  and lands, was forced to commemorate,
which was built by King Hezekiah as a defense     admit and document his failure in his castle,      Our tour of the Cardo would not be complete
against a future attack by the Assyrian army.     describing how he had conquered all the cities     without visiting the skillful craftspeople and
Its location ended the debate over the size       of Judah and Israel, except for Jerusalem, and     artists: a Torah scribe who writes ancient
of Jerusalem in biblical times. Archaeologists    had only trapped Hezekiah there"like a caged       Jewish texts and will write your name on
argued for decades about whether the biblical     bird", meaning that he lay siege to the city but   ancient parchment, following the Jewish
city was limited to around the City of David (as  was not able to conquer it. Here you will be       tradition that has been handed down from
maintained by the scholar Kathleen Kenyon)        able to listen to a free explanation in a variety  generation to generation; a jeweler who makes
or wider, including the “Western Hill,” the area  of languages.                                      jewelry inspired by ancient Jerusalem; an artist
of the Jewish Quarter. This wall decisively                                                          who paints the landscapes of the city; an
and unequivocally expanded the limits of the      Let us continue our journey into the Roman         artistic photographer who captures magical
ancient city at the time of the First Temple,     era, the early days of Christianity in Jerusalem.  moments typical of Jerusalem.
2700 years ago.                                   The impressive Cardo underwent massive
                                                  restoration, and you will now be able to           Now let’s pick up the pace towards the end
Flipping through the pages of the Old             view ten colorful mosaics that were created        of our visit, at the Herodian Quarter, next
Testament opens a window to an incredible         by local artists. Hundreds of thousands of         to Hurva Square. Here we find a group of
drama that took place here. King Hezekiah,        colorful stones created the impressive variety     very large houses from the Second Temple
who built and expanded the city, challenged       of shops that operated on the bustling street.     era. The parlors of the homes, the mosaics,
the Assyrian empire, which dominated the          Take a selfie next to the spice store, the         kitchenware, water and bathing facilities,
region. This wall is part of the tremendous       jeweler, currency exchange, music store or the     wine pitchers, oil lamps, and a wide range
fortifications built by King Hezekiah, who had    livestock trader. Next to them is an impressive    of coins were all preserved intact. If you
no qualms destroying residents’ homes to use      fresco that depicts life on the street in vibrant  walk through the houses, you will be able to
them as the foundation for the wall This led to   colors - snap a photo of yourself next to it to    understand and experience the lifestyle, the
scathing criticism by the prophet Isaiah, “You    become part of history! Nearby, you will find      art of their residents, the different classes and
counted the buildings in Jerusalem and tore       an exact replica of the Madaba Mosaic Map,         life in Jerusalem in all its glory. The surprising
down houses to strengthen the wall.” (Isaiah      which outlines the city as perceived by the        exit from the site leads us to a breathtaking
22:10). Later, the powerful Assyrian army,        artist in the early days of the Second Temple.     view of the Temple Mount, the Western Wall,
with over 180,000 soldiers, entered the city.     The cartographer did not sketch the Temple         the Jerusalem Archaeological Park and the
However, according to what is described in        Mount and the Temple. Instead, the Church          Davidson Center.
the verses, not a single arrow was shot, and      of the Holy Sepulchre is at the center of the

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